Caibot will assess the market and automatically exit losing trades minimizing the losses.
The crypto space is very volatile so Caibot trades across multiple coins and attempts to generate profits across the board.
Caibot is awake 24/7 and does not simply hold onto coins till profitable. It will always take the nearest profitable trades attempting to maximize profits through the market's volatility.
Other competing platforms provide you with a lot of tools so YOU can do the trading smartly. Caibot however is fully automated, you don't need to deal with it. Seriously just go get a drink and enjoy your free time!
Caibot was a personal project operating on our own wallets since 2020. We decided to share it with the world so crypto newbies don't have to suffer when entering the market. Try our back test to see Caibot's potential.
Throughout 2020's sideway market we've made 2 times our initial investment. Compounding further through 2021's market boom, we've made 10 times that investment!
Crypto winter sucked in 2022 but we've pulled through keeping almost all of our profits. Over the 2 years we've made 15 times our initial investment and we're ready for another market boom!
Our biggest wallet draw down was 18% throughout the 2 years. We've made 15x our investment and we expect even better results in the coming years!
Caibot interacts with exchanges using API keys with trade permissions only. We don't have access to withdrawals.
Caibot has proven time and time again to be profitable through it's analysis and management. It's always there to make more money!
Caibot's dashboard show you exactly how it's performing at all times.
Cryptocurrency markets operate 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. That means that you could have losses or miss out on some nice profits while you're asleep or busy.
Caibot will handle it for you 24/7, it will trade for you while you sleep, spend time with family, travel. So why waste more time trading, you're a click of a button away from passively getting financial freedom!
You can chose between multiple packages depending on the size of your investment and the trading style you feel most comfortable with
You can track your portfolio and check your daily PnL and monthly wallet outcome
We'll always let you know through Telegram if there's something that needs your attention like updating your API token, payments and new offers aswell!